


发布时间:2010-12-27 11:26:46  浏览量:821  【字体:  

古代文明研究通訊 目录

● 夏字形義考/葛英會
● 商墓中出土的陶質爵、斝、觚、盉等酒器的考察/郜向平
● 三星堆遺址祭祀坑中出土部分青銅器的金屬學和鉛同位素比值再分析——對三星堆青銅文化的一些新認識/崔劍鋒 吴小紅
● 堯公簋與晉之始封/白光琦
● 鳳城古城及其相關諸問題/田建文
● 内蒙古卓資縣城卜子古城遺址出土陶文考/董珊
● 對進一步做好西部考古工作的幾點建議/李伯謙
● “指南針專項”試點課題——“商周青銅器範鑄技術”專家諮詢暨學術討論會紀要/黄維

Ancient Civilizations Review
Volume 39

● A study on the glyph and signification of the character xia / Ge Yinghui
● A study on the pottery wine vessels of jue, jia,gu and he unearthed from Shang tombs / Gao Xiangping
● A metallographic and lead isotope study of some bronzes unearthed from Sanxingdui sacrificial pits, also new understandings on Sanxingdui bronze culture / Cui Jianfeng and Wu Xiaohong
● The founding of the Jin state as seen from the inscription on Yao gong gui / Bai Guangqi
● The ancient city site at Fengcheng and related issues / Tian Jianwen
● A study on the pottery inscriptions discovered at Chengbuzi city site in Zhuozi county, Inner Mongolia / Dong Shan
● Several suggestions on the archaeology in west China / Li Boqian
● A summary on the consultation meeting and conference on foundry techniques of Shang and Zhou bronzes / Huang Wei